Posts Tagged ‘happy’

Happy Girl

October 9, 2008

Since I’ve started having a small chocolate protein shake after each workout, and chocolate pancakes in the mornings, sugar free hot chocolate and chocolate cupcakes for snacks, I’ve been a much happier girl.  I doubt it’s a coincidence.

The scale at the gym says I’ve gained a pound and a half in two days.  I think it’s highly unlikely I’ve consumed an extra 8,750 calories in chocolate.  Afterall, that would be 100 cupcakes. 

The mirror at the gym also says differently.  This morning, if I flexed hard enough, I could see a tiny dimple in my abs that may be the beginning of some definition.  I realize mirrors at the gym are terrible liars and make everyone look fabulous, but still.

Most importantly, I feel better.  I’m psyched to go in each day to train, and I work hard every second that I’m there.  (Indeed, I have the marks to prove it.  Yesterday we did indoor sprints with a partner holding us in place via a giant rubber band that left bruises on my hips.)  I push myself and I push my friends and we get out of our comfort zones.  I leave smiling.

After a hard class, I take my protein shake into the shower with me.  Conditioner needs 3 minutes to work anyway, and it’s so nice to let the warm water cool down my muscles while sipping on cold chocolate.  Thirty minutes later, I have a protein packed meal.  But then sometimes I also have a chocolate cupcake.  Yesterday I had two.  But afterwards, I’m totally satisfied and happy.

So if I survive the next weigh in without significantly gaining weight, this will be the plan for me.  Tonight, I leave for a long weekend to visit my family in Pennsylvania.  That’s going to make it tricky, but if I stick to relatively healthy snacks, reasonable portions and get up early to go running, I should be okay.  Plus, I love running at home–I take my dog and we hit all the old trails I remember from high school.