Posts Tagged ‘grumpy’

Are You Out Of Your Zarking Mind?

October 2, 2008

Today, I asked both the nutrition guy and the trainer about the grumpiness and not feeling like myself.

Nutrition guy:  It sounds like it could be a hormone thing.  It’s a bigger question than I can answer, but I’m going to forward it on to my guy.  Also, go ask the trainer.

Trainer:  Well, we didn’t have time to metabolic type everyone, but that could be it.  You can try adding in some starches, but you’ll really have to watch and make sure you continue to lose weight.  (Here, I interjected that I’m perfectly happy with my current weight.)  Well, but that’s not what the client wants.  You have to keep losing weight for them.  So just be grumpy for 90 days and then go back to what you used to do.

[Inside Maria’s head: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ZARKING MIND?]

So I took my fuming self back to the locker room.  Since I had afternoon meetings, I had worked out with the later class, so it was a different group of women.  They don’t know me, and still they made me feel so much better.  C is in nearly impossibly good shape.  I envy her back muscles.  She offered me a fist bump and told me I was awesome.  R is sweet and funny, one of the “cool girls.”    When I put the cap back on the deodorant, she sincerely complimented how toned my arms were.  Then, they all started talking about how they cheat.  Another woman said she replaces most of her meals with fresh vegetables and lentils, since she doesn’t think meat 4 times a day is a good idea.  R had a whole laundry list of what she does, and recommended that I go for ice cream, because it wouldn’t hurt, and it would cheer me up.  She also said I was the happiest grumpy person she ever met.

Maybe I’m just the only one fessing up to the folks in charge.

In any case, just talking frankly with other girls going through the same thing made me feel much better.  After a chocolate soy milk, I feel like myself again.

New Private Goal:  Do my own thing.  Stay happy.  See if I can combine their goals with mine.