Posts Tagged ‘crazy’

Quick Update

November 3, 2008

Over the weekend and today, I learned so many things and rededicated myself on so many levels.

Sources of bloating: (I realize my stomach is already pretty darn flat, but unless there’s absolutely nothing but skin over them, no one can see my abs.)  I’m laying off all sugar, sodium, dairy, and gluten.  Which means I sadly give up my ice cream (even tofutti due to sugar), no matter how beloved and how many sprints I did at the gym to work it off.  So please, everyone else go get your free scoops of B&J for me tomorrow, okay?  I also have to find a substitute for oatmeal (which has gluten), since that’s a big part of so many of my recipes.

Protein sources: to build the most muscle the most effectively, some of us are doing hypertrophy training.  It involves supersetting (back to back with no rest) opposing motions: like push-ups with rows, or pull-ups and military presses.  It also involves eating our weight in grams of protein.  Even on 1600 calories a day, this is really tough for me.  Thankfully, there are Pure Protein bars.  They have about 10 g of protein for every 100 calories, very little sugar, and taste delicious.  Seriously, they’re so delicious and way more satisfying than ice cream.  They come in flavors like Chocolate Deluxe, Chocolate Peanut Butter, S’mores, and Peanut Butter Marshmallow.  Unfortunately, they use a lot of whey protein, which is dairy, so I’m going to have to watch that.

Digestive Cleanse:  I know, I know.  I think this kind of thing is a terrible idea.  I think the body is perfectly designed and my liver and my kidneys can take care of everything.  But if I’m in for a penny, why not be in for a pound?

Results: today I learned that as of day 45, I’d lost 8 lbs and 6 inches.  The inches count is from all over my body (and they took at least 8-10 measurements) so I don’t know what to make of that number.   Today is day 57, and I’ve lost a total of 10 lbs.

Fun:  A girlfriend from the class came down to the beach last weekend.  We ran sprints on the boardwalk and made a super delicious, ridiculously healthy chili.  I’ll post the recipe when I have more time.

Experimentation:  I went on an audition today for a workout DVD entitled “Brazilian Booty.”  I was almost immediately cut.  I haven’t been on an audition in years.  It felt good.  I’m going to start trying things like that again.